Monday, October 29, 2012

Goblins and beer

This weekend we celebrated both Halloween and Oktoberfest.  First, we took David down to Laurel Street for the Goblin Walk.  We had planned to dress David as a fireman in his heavy fireman raincoat and boots.  Unfortunately, it was unseasonably warm (80 degrees.)  We decided David would enjoy the evening more if he went as a jack-o-lantern (electrical tape on one of his t-shirts.)  He really enjoyed seeing the dogs and the firetruck.

On Saturday, we celebrated Oktoberfest by meeting some friends at Teske's in San Jose.  We had a great time, and David LOVED the food.  We can't believe how much he ate!  He also enjoyed all of the attention.

In addition to all of the celebrations, we've also been enjoying our neighborhood.  David loves to explore and play.  He especially enjoys watching the garbage trucks, airplanes, and trains.  He has also started to explore some of the big kid playground equipment.  

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