Thursday, December 13, 2012

Happy Holidays!

We hope that everyone is enjoying the holiday season!  We have been busy and have collected many fun pictures, but we've unfortunately reached the data storage limit on blogger.  As such, we're in the process of transitioning the blog to another server.  As soon as we're up and running, I'll make sure to update.  In the meantime, here's a pic of the three of us.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"Singing in the rain ..."

David and I ventured into the rain today.  He was very excited about wearing his raincoat and boots, but wasn't sure what to make of the rain itself.  We're hoping to get a break in the rain this afternoon.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Like father, like son ...

I have no comment on this one.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!  Unfortunately, the annual Verges family hike was bumped by a minor plumbing emergency.  Luckily, Chris was able to fix our sink and drains, so now everything works!  We even got to enjoy a yummy turkey dinner in the evening.  Hopefully, we'll be able to go for a hike this weekend instead.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Rain or shine ...

The rainy season has definitely started.  Between the rain and the cold, we've had to spend a lot more time inside.  David has still found many ways to have fun, such as ...

Playing with Daddy.

Playing at our local toy store. (Can you find David?)
More playing at our local toy store.  (I bet you can can find him now!)
Playing with blocks. (He built that tower all by himself!) 
Playing with forts in our living room.
Hiding inside forts in our living room.
Taking naps (and sometimes waking up happy.)

We try to take advantage of any breaks in the rain by going outside.  We've been exploring many of our local parks, and David loves to go for walks around the neighborhood.   Here are a few pics from our recent outdoor adventures.

David at Marlin Park in Redwood Shores
More exploring at Marlin Park.
At the bottom of the slide in Marlin Park.
Enjoying the fall leaves at preschool.
Getting ready to go outside - he picked out his own clothes and even insisted on wearing his rain boots.

In other news, David finally figured out how to get to the stuff in his playpen.  We had been using it as a place to store all the stuff he shouldn't have.  So, we took a trip to Ikea and bought a new bookcase/cabinet thing.  David loved riding around on the cart at Ikea and helping Chris put the bookcases together.  

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Happy 15 months, David!

David's 15 month check up was today.  The doctor said that he's doing very well.  He's growing very quickly and really starting to communicate.  He signs ~30 words and speaks ~10 more.  He loves all forms of transportation: cars, planes, trains, and especially garbage trucks.  His favorite restaurant is our local taqueria where he enjoys eating pico de gallo and watching soccer.  He especially likes it when the announcer yells, "gooooooooooooal," which David thinks is a gorilla sound.  He then excitedly says "lolilla," and starts pounding on his chest.  Apparently, I've also inadvertently taught him that the proper response to any fart or burp or fart-like sound is to cover his mouth with his hand and giggle.  And, since no blog posting would be complete without pictures ...

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

From David, the firefighter

And as a bonus, here's David the aviator

Monday, October 29, 2012

Goblins and beer

This weekend we celebrated both Halloween and Oktoberfest.  First, we took David down to Laurel Street for the Goblin Walk.  We had planned to dress David as a fireman in his heavy fireman raincoat and boots.  Unfortunately, it was unseasonably warm (80 degrees.)  We decided David would enjoy the evening more if he went as a jack-o-lantern (electrical tape on one of his t-shirts.)  He really enjoyed seeing the dogs and the firetruck.

On Saturday, we celebrated Oktoberfest by meeting some friends at Teske's in San Jose.  We had a great time, and David LOVED the food.  We can't believe how much he ate!  He also enjoyed all of the attention.

In addition to all of the celebrations, we've also been enjoying our neighborhood.  David loves to explore and play.  He especially enjoys watching the garbage trucks, airplanes, and trains.  He has also started to explore some of the big kid playground equipment.