Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from our little turkey!

We celebrated Thanksgiving with some dear friends from UCSF on the Sunday before Thanksgiving.  Claire flew out all the way from Virginia, and Brad and Tet came down from San Francisco.  It was great to see them all!  Unfortunately, we didn't get any good pics of Brad or Tet, but here's one of Claire.

On Thanksgiving proper, Chris, David, and I celebrated by going for a hike!  Considering that we were on trail last Thanksgiving, too, we figure that hiking may just become our family's Thanksgiving tradition.  We'll see what happens next year.

David, all packed up and ready to go for a hike

The three of us

David and Dad

David and Dad

We're also proud to announce that David slept in his crib for the first time last night!  He only slept for 3-4 hour stretches, but we're still proud of him for reaching this milestone nonetheless.

The little guy on our monitor

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

New Skills

It's amazing how David is growing and getting stronger every day.  Recently, he's started to show off some new skills that he finds really fun.  He's far from mastering them, but with a little assistance, he's enjoying the practice.

Holding the bottle

Standing (with Dad's help of course)

And talking ... he actually coo's all the time, but usually gets camera shy

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Yup, he got bigger!

Taken shortly after we came home from the hospital

Taken this morning

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

3 Months!!!

Happy 3 Month Birthday, Baby Dave!

On Saturday, David officially hit the 3 month mark, which is a pretty big milestone for all of us.  He's still doing well, and growing like crazy.  Our last estimate (from our bathroom scale) is that he weighs 15 pounds!  No wonder he feels heavy to carry around.  We celebrated his birthday by going to a birthday party for a friend who turned one this week!  David loved watching the other babies crawl and walk around.  This was the first time he's really shown interest in other "little people."

Here's a recent pic of the little guy.  It's getting harder to take pictures of him smiling because he's started to notice the camera.  

David's taken an interest in his hands.  He's been trying to eat them for a while now, but he's recently started to stare at them.  I think he's finally starting to realize that they're connected to him and that he can move them.

David's also gotten increasingly interested in grabbing on to things and making them move.  The coordination in his hands and arms has improved tremendously in the last few weeks. 

He's still an inquisitive guy who likes to explore.  Although he can turn over now, he usually spends his tummy time trying to scoot forward or rotate.  He does pretty well, too.  He can scoot himself almost off of the blanket now.   I have a feeling we're really going to have our hands full once he learns to crawl.

David went for his first ride on Dad's shoulders... he seemed to really love the view from up there!