We hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season! Since our last post a lot has changed. David had his 4 month check-up (Yes! He's 4 months already!), and he's doing great! He weighs in at nearly 16 pounds and is 26.5 inches. He's already fitting into 6 month clothes.
Recently, we've been busy getting ready for Christmas! I insisted on taking David to see Santa (see photo below.) However, after looking at the picture, I realized that Santa looks a little "special." Don't worry ... we didn't leave David alone.
Since our last post, David's hand-eye coordination has improved tremendously. In the photo below, he's actually holding part of the toy stationary with one hand and rotating the shaking part with the other. It's amazing to watch. David's also gotten really good at rolling over from his tummy to his back... so good that he can do it in his sleep, quite literally. He'll "go turtle" while sleeping, so we have to keep running into his room to flip him back over to his tummy. He's working on rolling in the other direction, but he still needs a little assistance. Hopefully one day soon he'll be able to roll in both directions.
We're also proud to announce that David can finally wear the three think geek onesies that Chris picked out.
Of course, the one that started it all:
And David's Star Trek science officer onesie:
And last but not least, a biology themed one ... if you can't read it is says "brought to you by G, C, A, and T, and the number 23" (It's a DNA joke)